Horse Riding Underwear – Everything You Need to Know

Horse riding is a popular pastime, but it can also be dangerous if you’re not properly equipped. Having the right horse riding underwear is essential for ensuring your safety and comfort while in the saddle. In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of horse riding underwear, the features to look for, and some tips for picking the best option.

Types of Horse Riding Underwear

When it comes to horse riding underwear, there are a few main types to choose from. Depending on your needs, one type might be better for you than another. Here’s a quick overview of the types of horse riding underwear available:

Full-Seat Breeches

Full-seat breeches are the most popular type of horse riding underwear. These are pants that have a full seat (from waist to ankle) made of a special material that provides grip and prevents slipping. They are usually made from leather or synthetic materials like polyester or nylon. Full-seat breeches also provide protection from chafing and abrasions that can occur when riding for long periods of time.


Jodhpurs are similar to full-seat breeches, but they have a shorter leg and are usually made from a thicker material. The material is usually leather or canvas, and they provide more protection and grip than full-seat breeches. Jodhpurs also come in a variety of colors and styles, so you can customize your look.

Riding Tights

Riding tights are the perfect choice for riders who want more flexibility in their movements. These tights are made from a stretchy fabric, usually lycra or spandex, and they provide a snug fit that won’t restrict your movements while riding. Riding tights can also be worn under other types of horse riding underwear for added warmth and protection.


Shorts are another popular option for horse riding underwear. These shorts are usually lightweight and breathable, making them comfortable to wear while riding. Shorts also provide some protection against chafing and abrasions, but they don’t offer much grip or support like other types of horse riding underwear.

Features to Look for in Horse Riding Underwear

When choosing horse riding underwear, there are a few key features to consider. Here’s what you should look for:

  • Grip: One of the most important features to look for in horse riding underwear is grip. The material should provide enough grip to keep you secure in the saddle without restricting your movement. Look for materials like leather or synthetic materials with special treads that provide extra grip.
  • Comfort: Comfort is also key when it comes to horse riding underwear. The material should be lightweight and breathable to ensure you stay comfortable while riding. Look for materials like cotton, lycra, spandex, or synthetic materials that provide a snug fit.
  • Protection: Horse riding underwear should also provide protection against chafing and abrasions. Look for materials that are thick enough to provide this protection without being too bulky or uncomfortable.
  • Style: Last but not least, you should consider the style of the horse riding underwear you choose. While function should take priority over fashion, you might also want to choose something that looks good too! There are lots of styles and colors available, so you can find something that suits your taste.

Tips for Choosing the Right Horse Riding Underwear

Choosing the right horse riding underwear can be tricky, but here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Think About Your Discipline: Different disciplines require different types of equipment, so it’s important to think about what type of discipline you’ll be doing before choosing horse riding underwear. For example, if you’re going to be doing dressage or show jumping, full-seat breeches might be the best option.
  • Try It On: If possible, try on different types of horse riding underwear before making your purchase. This will help you get a better feel for how comfortable and supportive each type is before making a decision.
  • Check Reviews: It’s always a good idea to check reviews from other riders before buying any type of equestrian gear. This will help you get an idea of how good the product is before making a purchase.
  • Invest in Quality: When it comes to horse riding underwear, it’s important to invest in quality products that will last. Cheap products may not provide enough protection or support while riding.

To Sum-it Up

Choosing the right horse riding underwear is essential for ensuring your safety and comfort while in the saddle. There are several types available, so it’s important to think about your needs before making a purchase. When choosing horse riding underwear, look for features like grip, comfort, protection, and style. It’s also important to invest in quality products that will last. By following these tips, you’ll be able to find the perfect pair of horse riding underwear for your needs!

Originally posted 2023-01-15 19:54:25.